Team 1 - W/b - 4.11.24

Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 9:57pm

What a fabulous first week back Team 1.

We have been very busy this week and the children have made a fantastic return after our half term break.

In English, we have started our new text 'Katie in London'. The children have enjoyed learning about the important sights in London and sharing their knowledge of the capital. 

In maths, we have been working on subtraction. We have been learning how to subtract by crossing out, by using number bonds and also by counting back. 

For PE this week, we were learning about agility. We thought about which sports needed agility and practised this through various games and races. In French, we learnt the names of some of the autumn colours and in MyHappyMind, we learnt about character strengths and identified these in ourselves and our friends. 

It has been a super week back and we hope you all have an enjoyable and restful weekend. 

Team 1 Staff.