Team 1 WB 7.3.22
Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 3:44pm
Team 1 WB 7.3.22
This week in Team 1 we have been learning about animals including humans in science. We thought about what it means to be an animal, and the children came up some some super ideas. We played an alphabet game trying to name an animal for each letter of the alphabet and we did it! We looked at model animals and their body parts. The children found feet, feathers, legs, tentacles, horns etc. We sorted animals by different categories such as where they live, how many legs they have, and if they have fur or feathers. Finally, we played a game of ‘who am I?’, and discovered that the secret animal was a chicken. We went to meet the chickens which have hatched in Team Reception to see some animals in real life.
In maths this week we have been reviewing addition fact families, and introducing subtraction fact families. We took our maths learning outdoors on Friday to make some part-whole models on the playground. We used our bodies and then some maths cubes to show completed part-whole models for which we then wrote some subtraction and addition facts.
In English we have been learning to punctuate sentences with questions marks and exclamation marks using our text ‘The Lion Inside’ as inspiration. We have also been learning to use the suffixes –er and –est when describing the lion and the mouse.
We began a new module in My Happy Mind called ‘relate’, where we are learning about how we relate to others and get on with them.
In PE we continued our team-building and communication learning with a game of ‘cross the swamp’ in teams of 3. The children showed just how innovative they can be!
Friday ended with some cosmic yoga and mouse mania, enjoying a little treat and some of a movie.
Have a super weekend, Team 1!
Mrs Weeks, Miss Evans and Mrs Butters.