Team 1 WB 9.5.23
Date: 12th May 2023 @ 6:18pm
This week in Team 1 we have loved exploring our new class text, ‘Toys in Space’ by Mini Grey.
We have welcomed Miss McElhinney (‘Miss Mac #2’) into our class. Miss Mac is a student teacher in her 2nd year, and she will be helping us with our learning over the next couple of months.
In English this week we have been selecting super adjectives to describe the characters in our text. We have used our Mighty Writer to help us create some more complex sentence structures, and to practice using the prefix ‘un-‘, which we learnt last week.
In maths, we explored ‘how many more/less’ in numbers up to 40. We compared numbers and spotted number patterns.
In history, we met George Mottershead. We discovered that he loved animals, but did not like to put them in cages. He lived a long time ago, and was famous for starting Chester Zoo. We plotted some key moments from the Zoo’s history on a timeline.
In science, our marigold plants have been showing some great growth. We noticed that the stems are taller and have changed colour. The shapes of the true leaves are beginning to show, but we have no flowers yet!
For Mouse Mania we designed our own flower based on our interests.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Weeks, Mr Flaherty, Miss Thomas and Miss Mac.