Team 2 - Week 34 07.06.19

Date: 7th Jun 2019 @ 3:43pm

A great week back for Team 2 who have returned to school ready to work. In Maths we started the week learning how to gather data. We recorded how many cars travelled along the main road and what colour they were. We then used this information to learn how to use tally's and then put this information into a chart.   

In English, we have started our new book “The Last Wolf” by Mini Grey. (please do not read this at home until we have finished). This will give the children plenty of opportunities to use their creative side with lots of predictions. In SPaG we have continued to work on accurate spellings of our common exception words and adding suffixes.  

As our staffing for next year has now been confirmed and sent home in a letter this week. This class will have Ms Delaney next year. 

Please also note we have our class celebration assembly on Tuesday 18th June at 2:30 pm.  

Have a fab weekend everyone!  


Mr O