Team 2 wb15.3.21
Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 3:48pm
Team 2 have been working so hard this week as they begin their subtraction unit in Maths. We have been learning how to subtract ones from 2-digit numbers and subtract multiples of 10.
In English, we have begun our new topic based on the book ‘Dragon Machine’. We are very excited to find out what happens to all the dragons that have been causing havoc and hiding everywhere! We imagined a dragon visited us in class and wrote some fantastic letters to Mrs Wyatt to tell her all about the chaos they caused!
In our afternoon learning, we had lots of fun planning and beginning to make out Tudor houses linked to our Great Fire of London mini-topic with Mrs Wyatt. We really enjoyed our gymnastics lesson this week too learning about different kinds of shape and movement – we can’t wait to get the equipment out next week!