Team 2: 2.12.15 Elves, fractions and Christmas!
Date: 2nd Dec 2015 @ 9:49am
Last week Team 2 were suprised to find that elves had visited their classroom. We searched the classroom and found clues that they had been. We decided to write to the elves to find out more! When we came back in on Monday we found a letter from the elves and some dusty footprints around the classroom! We then went on to learn our new class text of 'The Elves and the Shoemaker', thinking about the character of the Shoemaker and how he felt at different stages of the story.
In maths we have been focusing on fractions of shapes and numbers, and have developed our understanding of halves, quarters and thirds. Our Christmas preparations are well underway too. We have started working on the art work for our Christmas books with Mrs Anderson, we have been pracising our Nativity and today we are going to Main Street Chapel in Frodsham to take part in 'A Christmas Journey'. I am sure we will have a lovely time and the children will be a credit to our school.
Mrs Holbrook :)