Team 2: 26.11.21
Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 3:45pm
The end of another fantastic week in Team 2. This week again has been a bit different compared to our usual routine as we have begun our Christmas nativity. The children are so enthusiastic towards the nativity play and we cannot wait to see how it turns out. I am sure you have heard all about our nativity at home!!
In maths this week we have started to add two-digit numbers and one-digit numbers together using the Dienes apparatus. We are also learning the concept of using number lines to aid our understanding of adding numbers together,
In English this week we have continued looking at our story ‘The owl who is afraid of the dark.’ This week we have been adding adjectives and adverbs to our writing as well as writing a poem all about fireworks.
During our afternoon learning this week we have continued to develop our netball skills by playing a game together. Additionally, we are continuing to develop our handwriting and spelling skills as well as getting lots of practice in for our nativity. Several afternoons this week we have joined up with Team 1 and practiced our singing as well as rehearing!! I am so excited I cannot wait to see the final result.
Get lots of rest and I will see you on Monday Team 2!!