Team 2 Wb. 1.1.24
Date: 4th Jan 2024 @ 4:32pm
What an AMAZING first few days back Team 2!
We have been so busy and you have all tried so hard, I am very proud!
In English, we have started our new class novel which is about a boy and a dragon. We have been prediciting what the story may be about and using our skills at looking for clues to try and find out some more information. So many children have been using our WOW word 'because' in their work and it was amazing to see.
In maths, we have been reviewing all the things we have looked at so far. The children have been using manipluatives to try and figure out all the questions. I am so impressed with how much you all remember and I can't believe how incredible the first review has gone.
In topics, we have been finishing our unit on the Wright brothers and we were comparing planes now to the Wright brothers plane. In computing, we have been looking at what we need to be aware of when going on different websites online and how to know if we can trust them or not. We found out about the lock on our search bar and how this will tell us if it is a secure website. We have also looked at how we can narrow down searches on google using different key words.
Well done Team 2!
Miss Coppock