Team 2 wb 14.9.20
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 3:21pm
What an end to a fantastic week! We all really enjoyed toasting marshmallows over the campfire in the woodlands as our mouse mania to celebrate!
We have started our new book called 'Look up' about a girl called Rocket who looks up into space a lot but her brother is always looking down at his phone! We have been practising our full stops, capital letter for names and joining words using 'and'. We had a great time out on the field and in the classroom looking up to see what we could find.
In maths we have continued our work on numbers to 100 and how to partition them into tens and ones.
In science we have learned about the human body. We named as many body parts as we could and talked about what they did. We decided the most important part of our body was our brain because it helps us control our bodies and how we feel.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Miss Delaney