Team 2 wb 16.11.20
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 3:46pm
This week has been amazing! We loved dancing for Diwali day and learning all about how Hindus celebrate this festival of light. We loved listening and acting out the story of Ramayana with Rama and Sita.
In English we have been learning how to join clauses using because, making sure that both of our clauses make sense and there are no words missing. We have also written Diwali acrostic poems inspired by our dance workshop.
In maths, we have been learning how to use addition and subtraction facts within 10 to help us work out number facts within 20. For example, if we know that 2+3=5, then we know 12+3=15.
Our afternoons have also been filled with Christmas song and nativity practises which we are really looking forward to recording!
Have a great weekend!