Team 2 WB: 18.9.21
Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 12:56pm
Just like that the first half a term is over!! How fast has that gone! It has been so nice teaching Team 2 over the past half a term and looking back it is amazing to see how far they have come already. In Team 2 this week we have been completing our shared write as a whole class. We have spent the start of the week rehearsing the story before changing different sections of the story to link with our own version. Towards the end of the week we then began our shared writing. I have to say, I am extremely impressed with Team 2’s efforts so far. It is fantastic!! In maths, we have reached the end of our place value unit, so we have spent some time consolidating what we have learnt during our math’s lessons. During our afternoons we have used the IPADs to explore different place value games to strengthen our understanding, we have completed a range of different SPaG exercises such as best bet (we really enjoy this!). During our Art session this week we used the IPADs and explored different goggles before drawing our own. For PE, Mrs McKay led with some parachute games building our understanding of coordination and team working exercises. Finally, we have finished off another amazing week decorating biscuits, having a bit of a dance and playing some games together. We are ending our week with a much needed and well deserved rest. Well done on your first half term Team 2, you’ve been incredible!!