Team 2 wb 2.11.20
Date: 7th Nov 2020 @ 10:23am
Team 2 have been working exceptionally hard on their reading this week with reading assessments and a practise phonics screen! I am so proud of all their efforts and thank-you to all the parents who have been working so hard on reading with your children at home.
In our maths this week we have finished off our place value unit, focussing on counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. Next week we will be starting off our addition and subtraction unit with a recap of our Team 1 skills. Take a look at which we have been playing in class if you want to have a practise at home. Click ‘number bonds’ then focus on the ‘up to 10’ and ‘up to 20’ sections to begin with.
In English, we have worked hard to finish off our space diaries that we started before lockdown. On Thursday we were sent a letter from someone called Timothy Limpet and he sent a book too! We have made lots of predictions about what will happen in the book and practised using ‘and’ by applying these into sentences.
We have also been learning about some of the important stories in the Jewish faith- the story of Joseph and the story of the birth of Moses. We enjoyed acting out the story of Moses and exploring what our hopes and dreams were like Joseph had.
We have also finished our ‘Meet your Brain’ module of Myhappymind and next week will begin the ‘Celebrate’ module where we learn about character strengths and what makes us all so special!
Have a great weekend!
Miss Delaney