Team 2 Wb. 20/5/24

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 1:19pm

What a fab week Team 2!

We have been busy this week in maths, we have started our fractions unit which has been very tricky. Everyone has shown great resilience when looking at numerators and denominators. We have been trying to find fractions of shaded shapes and I am so pleased with how much they have understood this. 

In English, we have been taking apart a diary entry and discussing what Team 2 objectives can be seen in this. After half term, we will be writing our own diary entry and trying to include lots of these skills in our work. Miss Morris' group have worked so hard on their final piece and we are both so proud with how amazing these have turned out. We have been showing them to lots of the staff around school! 

We have been reflecting on our PE unit and what we learnt during dodgeball. Everyone had learnt a lot about how we dodge and what sport we may need to use these skills in. We have also carried on our history explores unit and we discussed Neil Armstrong and what adventure he went on. 

Have a lovely half term Team 2! 

Miss Coppock