Team 2 wb 23.11.20
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:37pm
We have been very busy practising our Christmas story and songs this week- we can't wait for you to see them! We have had so much fun!
In English we have just finished reading our book Troll Swap and have written lots of pieces this week to apply our noun phrases and join sentences using 'and' and 'because' including a diary entry and a letter. We really enjoyed writing about what it would be like to live like a troll.
In maths, our focus has been addition and subtraction within 20 this week and linking addition and subtraction facts together.
We have also been working hard to get ready for our phonics screening which we will complete next week.
In Geography we learned about aerial photos and explored different areas using google maps. We looked at our local area, identifying natural and man-made features. We also compared a village, a town and a city from above and learned about the differences between them.
Have a great weekend everyone!