Team 2 WB: 24.1.22
Date: 29th Jan 2022 @ 1:42pm
The end of another glorious week in Team 2. We’ve completed lots of learning this week
In maths this week we have been continuing our development of subtraction. At the start of the week we focused on subtracting a one-digit and two-digit number without crossing the tens. As the children did so well with this we have moved on to subtract two, two-digit numbers without crossing the tens. Similarly, the children are doing really well this too! I am so excited to see how the children get on next week as we continue with our development.
In English this week we have planning to write our last piece of writing from our story ‘The owl who is afraid of the dark.’ After writing our reports about cats we are now going to transfer our understanding of report writing to create a report about owls. This week we have mainly been focusing on including all our feature keys into our writing, ready to start our piece on Monday.
During our afternoon learning this week we have tea stained some paper to give it an old effect for our diary writing on Samuel Pepys. I am sure the children can tell you all about him. We have also looked at how to maintain a healthy diet, looking at the different food groups and what a balanced diet is. In PE this week we continued with dance. We are still waiting for Amanda and Connor to return so for now we are rehearsing different dance moves and positions by constructing our own dance pieces.
For Mouse Mania this week we went on the trim trail, played some different circle games and played with the ball bag. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday!