Team 2 w/b 28.11.16
Date: 4th Dec 2016 @ 8:16pm
We have had another busy week in Team 2 this week!
In our English learning, we moved on to learning how to create a descriptive poem. We looked at the key features of this genre and experimented with creating noun phrases to bring a setting to life in a reader's imagination. We then created our own descriptive poem. Ask your child to read it to you as they were fantastic!
In maths, we learnt how to add and subtract large two-digit numbers by partitioning. Pupils first learnt that if we break a number into tens and then units, we can add or subtract the tens before adding or subtracting the units.
In our topic learning, we linked our science learning of materials with our DT and began designing our own aeroplane ready to test fly.
Have a great weekend Team 2!
Mr Lawrie