Team 2 wb 28.9.20
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 3:59pm
Team 2 have had such fun this week learning even more about space and what our bodies need to stay healthy if we wanted to become astronauts! We have learned a little abotu what astronauts eat in space and wrote sentences about what they might like when they came back down to Earth, practising our capital letter and full stops.
We also wrote space poems this week for National Poetry Day inspired by the poem 'Point' By A.F. Harrold and loved learning and performing them to the rest of our class.
In maths we have been comparing and ordering numbers to 100 and looking at different methods to do this such as counting up and down, using a number line or looking at the value of the tens and ones.
In science we discussed foods that we should eat a little, sometimes or a lot. We created a meal plan for day that would provide a balanced diet.
In our RE lesson, we looked at the Torah and why it is important to Jewish people. We discussed objects that are precious to us in our lives and what makes them special.
What another brilliant week Team 2! Hope you have a well deserved rest this weekend :)
Miss Delaney