Team 2 WB: 29.11.21
Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 7:07pm
Another awesome week in Team 2. We have been so busy as we begin the run up to Christmas. The children helped me put up the Christmas tree at the start of the week which got us in the Christmassy mood!!
In math’s this week we have continued to work on addition. We have been adding two-digit and one-digit numbers together as well as looking at our number bonds to 10 and adding on by 10.
In English, we have started to apply conjunctions into our writing specially focusing on ‘and’ ‘but’ and ‘or.’ In order to help us with this we have been writing everything we know about owls and what we like to do when we play in the snow.
Alongside all of this we have been doing lots of practicing for the nativity performance. We completed our first performance to the whole school on Friday and the children were absolutely brilliant!!! We’ve got another busy week ahead of us as we prepare for some more performances and begin our Christmas books!
See you on Monday Team 2!!