Team 2 Wb. 4/3/24
Date: 10th Mar 2024 @ 2:01pm
What a lovely week Team 2!
In maths, we have continued looking at pictograms and learning how to read them. The children had a go at creating their own tally chart and we discussed how we might show 5 on a tally chart.
In English, the children have planned their own story for our final big write. We are all very excited to start writing these next week and learn about what book we are going to start next! We started our next class book which was the BFG and the children are loving this.
In geography this week, we went on our fieldwork trip to the park which was so exciting and fun. The children created a map to the local park. We discussed what we liked about this park and what we wish we could change to make it better.
Have a great weekend Team 2!
Miss Coppock