Team 2 WB: 4.7.22
Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 5:26pm
This week in Team 2 we have finished the end of our class story the Dragon Machine- how exciting!! Towards the beginning of the week we wrote a diary entry as though we were George, flying the machine over the sleeping town. We focused specially on what we could see, hear and feel. To end the week, we read to the end of the story and used pictures to help us organize the story into the beginning, middle and the end. On Monday, we are ready now to start our final shared write in Team 2!
In maths this week we have finished our fractions unit with some consolidation work. We have now started looking at money. This week we have focused on how may pennies are in a pound and how to work out change. We had a treat on Friday and had a go at counting money on the IPAD to work out the total amount.
On Tuesday, Mrs Caroe joined us for Art. This was a very fun and engaging session as we were painting our own sunflowers and outlining it. These have made a lovely display in our classroom! For our afternoon learning we have looked at numbers to 10 in French. We have explored the 7 continents and the 5 oceans in Geography and for PE this week we have finished off our dodge ball unit. Focusing specially on attacking and defending.
We have finished another week with a wonderful Mouse Mania and a story before home time. Have a lovely weekend everyone!