Team 2 Wb 6/11/23
Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 5:12pm
Well done for another amazing week Team 2!
In English this week, we have been looking at using commas to seperate adjectives in a list. The children have been describing fireworks and trying to use commas in their sentences. All of the descriptions sound amazing so well done!
In maths, we have been looking at our 2,5,10s times tables and we have been singing songs to helps us learn these. The children have had an amazing time doing this and they have all been trying really hard.
In science this week, we have been painting with lots of different man made and natural materials. The children looked at the different textures and they might change depending on whether they are man made or natural.
In music, we have been looking at tempo and dynamics. The children used instruments and they changed the sounds from quiet to loud or fast to slow.
This week we have started practicing for our Christmas nativity. The children have been learning the songs with Team 1 and they all sound amazing. We are all so excited!!
Have an amazing weekend Team 2, see you on Monday :)
Miss Coppock