Team 2 wb. 7.9.20
Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 4:52pm
What a week! Mrs Fletcher and I have been so impressed this week with all the children and their FANTASTIC start to Team 2!
We have enjoyed lots of stories this week including the VERY funny 'Book with no Pictures' by B.J Novak that had us in stitches!
In English, we have been recapping our use of fullstops and capital letters for starting a sentence, I on it's own and for names of people. In maths, we have recaped our Team 2 learning on place value of numbers to 50.
We've had lots of fun with team games in the hall and outside to get to know each other and devleop our listening and team work skills as well as circle times to check-in with how we're feeling. This afternoon, we had fun in the woodlands as we explored the question 'How do we make sound?' which will be our key question in our science learning this half-term.
It has been lovely to see you all back and to meet some new faces too! I can't wait for the year ahead!
Have a great weekend,
Miss Delaney