Team 2 WB:12.6.23
Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 4:11pm
We’ve made it to the end of another beautiful week. This week it has been lovely to watch Team 2 preform their poems as part of our poetry recital. Well done to all the children and especially our finalists!
In maths this week, we have been working on our end of year reviews as well as recapping some of our place value module.
In English we have reached the end of our Major Glad, Major Dizzy story. On Monday we are going to begin our final piece of writing, but for this week, we have created our own diary entry as if we were Major Glad, as well as learn a little bit about what life was like during World War 2.
In Science this week we have been exploring life cycles and we have particularly been looking at the life cycle of animals that lay eggs. The children found this very interesting.
Of course on Monday afternoon we enjoyed our Sports day on the field and it was fantastic to watch all of the children participate and push themselves so a big well done to Team 2.
Finally, we have finished off our week in the sun with ice lollies and Mouse Mania on the field. Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you Monday!