Team 2 WB:15.5.23
Date: 19th May 2023 @ 2:48pm
This week felt a little longer with no bank holidays, but as ever, we’ve had a fantastic week. Team 2 have shown a lot of resilience and determination this week as they sat their SATs papers. Mostly, the children have shown just how mature they can be and have ‘wowed’ us with their amazing efforts.
In between sitting our math papers we have finished off our unit of time. At the beginning of the unit we found time quite confusing, but now the children have a secure understanding of what the minute and hour hand represent.
In English, we started our new unit, Major Glad, Major Dizzy. So far, we have looked at the book and spoke about the time period of this book because the toys and setting doesn’t look like what we are quite use to in our day.
In PE this week, we carried on with our hands unit of throwing and catching. On Thursday, we were very lucky as Carol from our local tennis center visited to give us a little taster session all about Tennis.
In Science this week, we continued our plant module and looked at trees. We discussed whether trees need the same nutrients as plants and explored why some trees are taller than others.
In Geography, we explored monuments around the UK and we identified these on our class map and in History, we explored the invention of the first plane in 1903.
We finished off our week with electronics for Mouse Mania. Have a lovely weekend everyone!