Team 2 WB:19.6.23
Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 2:48pm
We’ve had another lovely week in Team 2. In maths this week, we have been revisiting our place value unit. We have used the time to really strengthen our understanding of 2-digit numbers as well as apply them to a variety of concepts.
In English, we have been completing our final piece of writing for Major Glad, Major Dizzy. It has been lovely to see the children applying their new skills into their writing. I am so impressed with handwriting efforts across the classroom; it’s really impressive.
On Wednesday, we had our first transition day and it was lovely to see the children settling into their new classroom, with their new teacher. The children really shown off their maturity and how ready they are for Team 3, well done Team 2.
As part of our PSHE learning this week, we have been looking at what a Hazard is and how we can identify hazardous products around our home. In French, we have been revisiting some of our classroom language and in RE, we have created our own paintings of flowers to symbolize Guru Nanak.
Well done to the children in Team 2 that took part in our poetry recital competition and well done to the children that entered our Safari Poem competition. We’ve had some good news that all of the Team 2 poems have made it into the finalized version of Safari poems, so a big well done to those children!
Finally, we finished off our week with a ‘Whole school cricket day’ and we had a lovely morning playing a range of cricket games. We’re finishing off the afternoon we dodge ball Mouse Mania. Well done Team 2, see you on Monday!