Team 2 WB:27.3.23
Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 3:22pm
Another half term completed! What a busy and fun half term it’s been. Looking back, we’ve had a busy term, Burwardsley, class assembly and a church trip!! The children have really flourished this term; it’s been lovely to see. This week we have had another jam packed week of learning. In English this week we have been focusing on the Dragon Machine and we discovered that George took the dragons to the sweet shop. So, we have been working on getting exclamation sentences into our writing and focusing on our tense. At the end of the week, we spent our English session writing a diary entry as though we were George telling our diary what a terrible day we’ve had!
In math this week, we have moved onto fractions. I have been blown away by the children’s enthusiasm and efforts. So far we have looked at making a half, quarter and a third. When we return after the holidays we will start applying this understanding to number.
In PE this week, we have finished off our football/ ball skills unit and we will be moving onto something different when we return. we worked together as a group to practice passing the ball in a controlled manner. It was great to see the children really trying with this.
In Geography this week we have re-created a map of the United Kingdom as well as locating their capital cities and the flags of the United Kingdom.
In Science this week, we have continued looking at habitats and we even made our own habitat for an animal!
We’ve finished another amazing week with an Easter egg hunt in the woodlands and a bikes and scooters Mouse Mania. Have a well-deserved and amazing half term everybody! I’ll see you when we get back.