Team 2 WB:28.2.22
Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 1:16pm
First week back after half term…completed! Team 2 have had a busy start back after the February half term as well as welcoming two new starters into our class. This week we have started a new unit for our English. On Monday morning we came in from the daily mile track to discover some eggs in the corner of the classroom. We shared lots of discussion about where these mysterious eggs have come from, what creature have they come from and why they had been delivered into our classroom? We then decided to organize the pictures to sequence them to create our own stories! So we spent the end of the week creating a plan for our own story that we will begin to write next week.
In math’s this week we have also started our new unit, multiplication and subtraction. We have started the unit by looking/ making equal groups and then learning how to add these together. To help understand our groups, we then moved on to look at arrays. We have learnt that to make an array we group them into columns and rows. This has then helped us to start to understand some multiplication questions. Towards the end of the week we have started to use the pictures to support us with multiplication.
During our afternoon learning this week, we had a look at animals and their offspring in science. On Tuesday we celebrated ‘Shrove Tuesday’ and we had some pancakes, it got very sticky with the maple and strawberry sauce! We also created our own acrostic poems all about spring and we have displayed these in our classroom. On Thursday we dressed up for ‘World Book Day’ and celebrated by having a muddled story time with Reception and Team 1. As well as a carousel activity between Team 1 and 2. To celebrate the end of a great week in Team 2 we are decorating biscuits.