Team 2 wc 14.6.21
Date: 19th Jun 2021 @ 8:52am
This week has seen us start a new cross-curricular topic all about animals and our environment! We have really enjoyed our first week with plant identification in the woodlands, creating a world map jigsaw and reading the first pages of our new book 'The Last Wolf'.
In English, we started the week learning about endangered animals and wrote brilliant speeches to apply our learning so far from Team 2. We then learned how to create adverbs and consolidated our knowledge of but and or. Some of us have been working on questions that we could ask our main character such as 'Why are you going into the woods?' and 'Why do you want to catch a wolf?'. Can you guess who it is? It's a new take on Little Red Riding Hood!
In maths we have continued our work on division by 2 and 5. We have partciularly focused on how we can represent divisions as a number sentence and how to read division statements to solve them.
We have lots of great fun planned for next week- can't wait to see you all back on Monday!
Miss Delaney