Team 2 wc 22.3.21
Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 5:10pm
What a packed we have had in school this week! We all really enjoyed our school census day on Monday and were very enthusiastic to find out about the foods and snacks Team 1 and Team 2 enjoy. We created a questionnaire, filled in tally charts to collect our data and then presented our data in pictograms and block diagrams. We worked together to interpret the data and feedback to Mrs Wyatt and the school about our preferences.
In our normal maths lessons, we have been focusing again on subtraction this week with the subtraction of tens from 2 digit numbers concretely, on a number line and in our heads.
In English we have written wonderful diary entries all about the chaos that the dragons in our story were causing in the local sweet shop. We practised our skills of using the past tense as well as conjunctions to join clauses.
On Tuesday, as part of the National Day of Reflection, we had a very touching circle time. I was extremely proud of the way our class shared all their memories of lockdown, both good and bad, with such respect and understanding for their classmates. We made a class flower as well as individual flowers to represent all our memories of the past year in our ‘Millers Memory Meadow’.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Delaney