Team 2 wc. 26.4.21
Date: 30th Apr 2021 @ 6:18pm
What a week we've had with lots of learning about our dragons topic! We had lots of fun with our art day in Tuesday when we learned all about artist Vladimir Gvozdev and created dragon drawings in his style using our pencil and coloured pencil shading techniques that we have been learning for the last few weeks.
On Thursday afternoon, we looked at the difference between an object and a material. We then named and sorted lots of materials in different ways, discussing their properties and what we could use them for. We then faced the challenge to build a dragon's nest in the woodlands! What materials would we use? It had to be strong, warm and soft for the egg. When we had finished, we tested them with an egg to make sure we had chosen the best materials.
In English we have been focussing on conjunctions this week and editing our work for spelling mistakes as we continue with our learning about