Team 2 wc. 5.7.21
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 4:06pm
We have had such a wonderful afternoon today! MK's mum very kindly brought in bee keeping equipment and an exhibition bee hive to show us how bees work as a team, helping nature and us too! We learned lots of new vocabulary and really enjoyed trying to spot the queen bee in the hive. It was such a treat!
In maths this week, we have continued our work on fractions and have been learning how fo find 3/4 of a shape or amount as well as looking at the equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2.
In English, we have written our final piece of Team 2 writing- a great letter explaining the problems in our environment and some ways that we can help. We will edit and publish our work next week ready for Team 3. How exciting!
And not to forget out transition day! We all loved getting to know Mrs Adamson and Mrs Lindsay and it was lovely to get to know some more things about Miss Delaney and Mrs Butters too. We wrote brilliant poems for our Team 3 cloakroom display and had a great time playing games and sharing all the great things about our class.
Have a great weekend everyone! Come on England!!
Miss Delaney