Team 2 wc12.7.21
Date: 17th Jul 2021 @ 8:32am
What an end to the year! We have had so much very well-deserved fun this week.
In maths, we have continued some work on fractions, finding three quarters of shapes and amounts as well as doubling and halving. In English, we have edited our very last piece of Team 2 writing and copied them up beautifully into our Team 3 books ready for next year.
We have had lots of fun activities this week to celebrate all our hard work including making slime, hide and seek, making bee hotels, lots of time outside, face painting, watching films and having a campfire with smores!
It has been another disrupted year for our community but the way in which the children have tackled these challenges and given their all to every minute in school has been so humbling. I am so proud of each and every one of them and I cannot wait to teach them again next year!
Have a wonderful summer Team 2!
Miss Delaney