Team 2 wb 21.6.21
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 4:09pm
What another wonderful week in Team 2! What a busy one!
On Monday we absolutely LOVED bouncy castle day. It was so much fun and we worked so well together, bouncing and helping each other. What a great treat!
We also had lots of fun supporting our friends on sports day this Wednesday. Even though there was a bit of rain, we were determined not to let it spoil our fun! We all did lots of races and the team spirit was amazing. We particulalry enjoyed the obstacle course racing under cargo nets.
In maths this week we have focused on the link between multiplication and division, answering missing box questions using the inverse calculation and applying our skills to solve and write word problems both for grouping and sharing.
In English we have really been enjoying 'The Last Wolf' and the new take on Little Red Riding Hood as well as enjoying our new class novel- Fantastic Mr Fox! Don't forget that you can take books home from the class library as well as your book band book so make sure to pick up another fanastic Roald Dahl book! We have been focusing this week on the application of but/or in our writing as well as making and using adverbs to add interest to our work.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Miss Delaney