Team 2 wc7.6.21
Date: 13th Jun 2021 @ 6:56pm
We have been working hard on our final piece of writing for our current unit of English this week with Blitz diary entries from the point of view of Major Glad or Major DIzzy. We had lots of questions on Monday all about the Blitz and what it was like to live through an air raid. On Tuesday, we used drama to help us explore how the charcaters would feel and what they might do before planning and writing our diaries over the rest of the week. We have been working particularly hard on our handwriting and making sure that we keep up the neatness all the way to the end of the piece of work.
In maths, we have focused this week on division by sharing into equal groups with lots of practical activities to help us understand what the division symbol means and how we can solve word questions that need us to share.
To celebrate Gypsy, Romany, Traveller History Month, we listened to different stories of life in their communities and learned a little about their history. We thought about some similarities and differences between communities and how they should all be celebrated as they make us who we are. We talked about what made us proud to be unique and shared these with the class by each creating a small square to make a class flag.
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Delaney