Team 2 Week 35 - 14.06.19
Date: 28th Jun 2019 @ 2:49pm
The children have worked hard this week practising for their class celebration assembly ready for Tuesday 18th June at 2:30pm. Some of the lines are extremely challenging and the children have certainly impressed me with their commitment. We have also continued to explore ‘The Last Wolf’ By Mini Grey making great predictions and sharing our opinions. This week in maths we have continued to develop our measuring skills using rulers and measuring in CM’s. Our SPaG sessions have really helped us with tenses when writing this week. Home reading is taking a bit of dip and I completely understand especially with the time of year. If we could try and read a couple of pages at least three times a week that would be huge help.
I hope to see you all at our class celebration assembly next week. I
Mr O.