Team 2 Wk 9.11.15 - Instructions, Materials, Symmetry and Christmas!
Date: 16th Nov 2015 @ 8:07am
Last week was another busy week in Team 2. We have been busy writing our own set of instructions by changing the version we learnt as a class. We now have instructions for some really disgusting sandwiches to scare those pesky seagulls away from Mr Grinling's lunch! In maths we started learning about 2D shapes and investigated lines of symmetry. In science we continued out work on the properties of materials, predicting and investigating how we can change the shape of materials by stretching, squashing, bending and stretching different objects. Towards the end of the week Team 1 and Team 2 started to learn the songs for The Nativity and read through our script. Full steam ahead for our rehearsals this week!
Looking forward to seeing you all for another busy week!
Mrs Holbrook