Team 3: 1.2.19
Date: 2nd Feb 2019 @ 6:18pm
What a week! Well done to everyone who braved the weather to get in this week- it was great to see so many of you still in on Wednesday! We had a fantastic time playing in the snow!
We have been continuing our work on persuasive writing using different sentence types and adverbs in English. On Friday we began to write our persuasive leaflets which we will edit and publish next week ready to send to Tesco to try to persuade them to take action to protect our oceans.
In Maths, we have been continuing our work on multiplication and division ready to start written methods for two digit numbers multiplied by 1 digit numbers next week. It's great to see that some of you have already been on TimesTables Rockstars since logins were given out on Friday. Keep up the practise!
We also took part in a debate this week as part of e-safety week. We read different articles explaining the pros and cons of online gaming before writing our own arguments which we then presented in front of the rest of Key Stage 2 on Thursday afternoon. It was great to see so many of Team 3 enthusiastic and brave enough to speak in front of so many other children. Well done!
Next week, I will be on a training course on Wednesday and Thursday, learning how to teach swimming ready for our first lesson the week after. However, there are lots of exciting things planned while I'm away, including an interactive online story workshop! Please rememer swimming letters need to be back before Friday 8th February- extra copies were sent home on Friday just in case.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Delaney