Team 3: 10.5.19
Date: 11th May 2019 @ 2:38pm
We started off this weeke with another No Outsiders lesson in whcih we read 'This is Our House' by Michael Rosen and learned what discrimination is. We created posters to show how we include everyone at our school so that there are no outsiders. We have also been learning about the importance of Muhammed to Muslims and listened to a story about him. We considered the important messages we might send if we were a messenger today.
In Science, we had lots of fun disecting flowers to find out the different parts and functions of a flower. Whoever knew the inside of a flower was so interesting! We have also begun our new geography topic this week and learned which countries make up the UK. We then used our map reading skills to name and locate several UK cities.
In Maths, we have started our work on fractions by recapping our Team 2 learning about halves, quarters and thirds. In English, we have been developping our vocabularies, learning technical words related to dragons and creating expanded noun phrases and similes to add greater interest to our descriptions of dragons.
Have a lovely weekend! Keep practising our songs :)