Team 3: 13.9.19
Date: 13th Sep 2019 @ 4:29pm
What an amazing effort in our first full week back! This week we have begun to read 'After The Fall', writing predictions about the story from the front cover and writing diary entry for Humpty Dumpty whcih focused on our editing skills.
In spelling, we have been recapping how to use the speed sounds chart to support our grapheme choices when we're not sure of a spelling and looking for patterns in words that might help us decide which grapheme we need.
In maths we have recapped our Team 2 plce value skills and have now begun to work on three-digit place value using the dienes and pictoral representations. We will continue to build on these skills next week.
We have also learned all about cities around the UK, using our map reading to locate several UK cities and plot them on a map. We did a great autumn scavenger hunt with Mrs Hughes on Tuesday to start our animals including humans science topic and began to learn about algorithms with Mr Oldfield on Thursday. We had a great visit to the life caravan on Thursday too where we learned all about how our brains work and what we need to keep healthy.
Have a lovely weekend and a well deserved rest!
Miss Delaney