Team 3: 14.6.19
Date: 15th Jun 2019 @ 10:13am
What an amazing effort from Team 3 this week! Despite having some double maths lessons this week, we have really been working hard on our fraction work in morning maths and putting our all into grappling with statistics in the afternoon. They have worked their socks off and I am very proud! We will now move onto shape work- learning about angles, turns and properties of 2D and 3D shapes over the next two weeks.
We have also really been enjoying our English and delving deep into our imaginations with our continued work on Journey. The children have come up with amazing predictions and creative ideas for each step of the story so far which has no words! What might the little girl draw with her magic crayon when her little boat falls down a waterfall?? A trampoline, a hot air balloon and a portal to another dimension were just some of our wonderful ideas! We have particularly focussed on using a and an correctly, choosing interesting and rich vocabulary in our descriptions and showing relationships between characters by the way that they speak.
In science we have learned about nutrition and the jobs of each food group. In PE, we have been practising for the district sports competition to see who will go through to race on the night- letters will go home next week to those children competing.
In preparation for our trip next week, we have also been learning about water safety. We learned how to behave near the water, what signs we might see near water and what we should do if someone fell into water. We then created advice posters to warn people of the dangers and how they should act near water.
Have a lovely weekend Team 3! Can’t wait for our trip next week!