Team 3: 15.2.19
Date: 15th Feb 2019 @ 7:15pm
I'm so proud of Team 3 this half term! They have absolutely worked their socks off! This week has been no exception.
We have finished off our persuasive leaflets, which are ready to send to Tesco, making them aware of how we are harming our oceans and our ideas about how Tesco can help reduce the waste and plastic that ends up in our oceans. We have also been busy working on our creative skills and have written stories to enter in BBC Radio 2's 500 words competition. As entries can only be submitted online, I have sent copies home with the children and have asked that if at all possible, they type them up and email them to me over the half-term. I would be really grateful for any help you can give them but if it's not possible and they want to enter, just get them to let me know.
In Maths, we have been continuing our work on the grid method for multiplication and have begun to use short multiplication for multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We have also been practising lots on hit the button and time table rockstars to improve our knowledge of times table facts- don't forget to get playing over the holidays to see of you can beat me!
I was also a very proud teacher on Thursday as we went for our first swimming lesson. The children were amazing, showing great listening and behaviour in and around the pool even though everyone was extremely excited!
We also made cartouches this week with Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. We learned that only important people had their name written inside a cartouche and that they believed that anyone who had their name written inside would be protected bythe Gods for eternity.
Letters have also been sent home asking permission for a walk to Helsby on Wednesday 27th February. Apologies for the late letter, but if they could be back on the first day of half-term that would be great! Also any helpers are more than welcome!
Have a lovely half-term everyone and a well-deserved rest!
Miss Delaney