Team 3 17.1.20
Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 2:01pm
It has been such an exciting week in Team 3!
We had an amazing trip on Wednesday to Norton Priory where we learned so much about the Stone Age and early man. Did you know it took them 1.5 million years to go from using smooth rocks as tools to sharpening rocks like flint to make better tools? We looked at lots of tools and how they changed and developed through the Stone Age, we learned what they would eat and how they would hunt and we also looked at examples of what they would wear- and that was just the morning! After lunch we looked at lots of cave paintings and learned that they drew them to show what had happened in their lives but also to give other people warnings or information about a place as early man was nomadic and moved around a lot. We created our own cave paintings and finished the day by building model shelters made from the same materials early man would have had- great teamwork by all!
In English this week, we have been writing our final piece of writing linked to ‘Winter’s Child’ and there are some amazing pieces! We have worked really hard to include all the skills we have been perfecting. In maths we have begun to work on division, linking this to our knowledge of multiplication and applying it to word problems. In Science we did a great experiment on Tuesday to help us identify different types of rocks, their hardness and the permeability. It was lots of fun and we all felt like real scientists with our goggles on!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Miss Delaney