Team 3 17.5.19
Date: 17th May 2019 @ 4:45pm
Well what another great week!
We have been working very hard to improve our vocabulary and have been writing descriptions and diary entries focussing on including interesting vocabualry choices. In spelling, we have been continuing our work on prefixes and trying very hard to get them in our work.
In Maths, we have been recapping our T2 fraction learning and moved on to find tenths of a numebr or set of objects as well as finding fractions such as two tenths and nine tenths of a number. We have also moved on to finding other unit fractions of amounts ( where there is a 1 on top of the fraction).
In Science we learned about the pollination process and the different types of seed dispersal. In Art, we looked at paintings inspired by rivers and chose our favourite to recreate in our sketchbooks. We also had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine on Thursday practising our throwing and catching skills with a version of cricket.
Have a great time at the sleepover for those who are going and a lovely weekend!
Miss Delaney