Team 3: 18.1.19
Date: 18th Jan 2019 @ 5:53pm
This week we have been learning all about the habits of whales in our English while practising our use of speech marks and adverbs. We have also been working on editing our work independently step by step. Did you know a blue whale weighs 140 tonnes? Or that a baby blue whale is 7m long when it's born?
In Maths, we have begun to look at multiplication and division, working on our 3 and 4 times tables. We have looked at lots of ways to represent our times tables to help us solve different kinds of problems. We have also learned that dividing by 3 can be done by sharing into 3 equal groups or by putting the total amount into groups of 3.
We have had a very interesting week of afternoon learning! On Monday as we learned all abotu pharaohs and the pyramids that they built. We looked at the oldest pyramid in Egypt as well as the biggest one. We then used our math skills to create 3D pyramids using nets. In art, we are working on drawing portraits and this week we looked at how to draw a face in proportion. In Science, we undertook an experiment to show the effects of friction on a toy car and find out how different surfaces create different amounts of friction. On Thursday, we saw a MadScience assembly and saw how energy can be created! In French,, we used our reading skills to work out the meaning of words in French that are similar words in English in order to read the story of Le Petit Chaperon Rouge.
I can't wait for next week! Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Delaney