Team 3: 18.10.19
Date: 18th Oct 2019 @ 3:04pm
What a fabulous week! I am so proud of Team 3 and their learning this week- we are really looking like Team 3s now!
We have been working on using related facts to solve addition and subtraction problems, for example suing 2 + 5 to help work out 200 +300. We have also been adding 1 digit numbers to 3 digit numbers in maths by using an efficient method- jumping to the next ten and then jumping whatever is left to add.
In English we have really been enjoying Seal Surfer by Michael Foreman and have been working on prepositions and how to use them in our writing with expanded noun phrases. We have also been working really hard on editing our spellings independently using our known spellings mat.
In art we recrested the Great Wave by Hokusai, this time using oil pastels to see how we could blend colours to make interesting waves and skies. We did a great quiz in science with Mrs Hughes learning all about the skeleton and we learned lots in geography this week too! We created adverts for the seaside in the present day and in Victorian times to learn about how the seaside has changed. We also had a wonderful geography lesson with Mrs Wyatt on Thursday where we looked at how maps show areas of hills and mountains. We used our new knowledge to find and label hilly areas of the UK.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Miss Delaney