Team 3: 19.10.18
Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 9:51pm
Well that's the end of another week of brilliant learning! This week we have enjoyed a visit from Mr Moffat who lead an assembly and taught us all about having 'No Outsiders' in our school. In English, we have ben continuing our work on 'Seal Surfer' and have been starting to use inverted commas to punctuate speech as well as working on including prepositions in our writing. In Maths, we have been working on comparing and ordering 3-digit numbers, and today started counting in 50s!
In History, we learned all about the mysteries of Stonehenge and the theories that surround why it was built which was very interesting indeed! We had lots of different ideas, inlcluding that it was a cemetery, a church and a store for food and other goods. We also learned about the benefits of living in a hillfort in the Iron Age and on Wednesday we worked in small groups to design a shelter for prehistoric man. We discussed how our designs must be waterproof and strong in order to be a good shelter and are very excited abotu building them next week!
Thank you so much for all the responses to parents evening- times have been handed out to children today. I look forward to seeing you all next week!
Have a great weekend,
Miss Delaney