Team 3: 25.1.19
Date: 25th Jan 2019 @ 5:19pm
Well what another busy week of learning it has been!
We've been continuing with our work on questions, adverbs and exclamations in English, and learning how we can use them to make something sound really good in order to persuade someone. We have also been continuing with our times tables this week, looking at our 3s, 4s and 8s.
Monday saw us learning all about the secrets of mummification and creating role plays where one person was the master, one the dead body and the others apprentices to show our understanding of the process. In art on Tuesday, we learned about facial expressions and how we can show these through our drawing, focussing on the shapes of eyebrows and mouths. In science, we undertook an experiment to learn all about friction and how it is different on different types of surface. The rougher the surface, the greater the amount of friction! In P.E, we have been working on our team building skills and this week set up our own orienteering courses for other groups to try out! It was very cold but we all really enjoyed it!
Just a quick reminder that swimming lessons start on Thursday 14th February so if you haven't already handed your child's slip and money in, we'd really appreciate it before Friday 8th February.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Delaney