Team 3: 25.10.19
Date: 25th Oct 2019 @ 5:05pm
What a half-term it has been! There has been lots of great learning and lots of interesting visitors this half-term and next half-term is set to be even more exciting with all our Christmas projects!
We have continued our work on Seal Surfer this week, with a focus on prepositions and begun to look at what makes a paragraph and how we can group related ideas together. In spelling, we have been practising rules for adding suffixes.
In maths, we have been learning how to subtract 1s and add 10s to 3 digit numbers mentally using an efficient method.
We have also been doing lots of learning related to eco-week, including writing a class poem about plastics in the ocean, learning about how our rubbish can affect the planet and how we can take action in school and at home to combat these problems.
Have a great half-term everyone! Don't forget to get on TTRocktars, practise your spellings and keep up the great reading!
Miss Delaney