Team 3: 26.10.18
Date: 27th Oct 2018 @ 11:52am
Well what an end to our first term we've had! This week Team 3 has been blowing everyone away with their amazing prehistoric shelters! We worked really hard in our teams to design a shelter for a prehistoric family that had to be strong and waterproof. After two afternoons of great collaboration, creativity and craftmanship, we put them to the test! To check whether the shelters met the design requirements, each team put their shelter in front of the fan and then each was sprayed with water. We're pleased to announce that all of them stood the strength test and almost all the waterproof test!
We also spent time crafting a letter this week from Tom, the little boy in 'Seal Surfer' to his grandad who had been away. Everyone worked really hard to include paragraphs and prepositions in their work and we tried really hard with our independent editing.
This week also gave us the opportunity to share our home learning and there was some absolutely fantastic efforts! We really enjoyed testing out people's rocks and soils quizzes, looking at their artwork and listening to lots of wonderful facts about French speaking countries.
I would also just like to say a big thank you to parents for coming to parents' evening this week- it was really wonderful to see so many of you there and really nice to be able to get to know you all a little better.
I am very proud of every one of you Team 3 and the way you have all settled into this new school year. Have an amazing half-term- you deserve it!
See you all soon,
Miss Delaney