Team 3: 26.4.19
Date: 28th Apr 2019 @ 10:51am
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break in the sunshine! This week, Team 3 have been retelling the story of Mount Vesuvius exploding in Pompeii- what a story! Our use of language and detail has been superb! We have been able to include speech, present perfect tense and worked hard to edit our pieces of work independently. Next week, we're looking forward to starting a new book but we can't reveal that until next week...
In speliing, we have been working on writing dictated sentences and including all our known punctuation and spellings. We have also been working on when to use a or an as well as recapping our spelling for the 'sh' sound.
In Maths, we have been working on measuring in mm, cm and m and converting measurements. We have really enjoyed measuring thins all around the classroom and will carry on with this work next week.
In our other lessons, we have been measuring shadows and investigating how the distance between the light source and the object effects the size of the shadow made. We have been practising our singing and on Friday, we became Ancient Egyptians and Bronze Age Britains. We imagined that the two groups of people met and we shared information about our daily lives to find similarities and differences between how we lived. It was really interesting to fing out that our lives were so different even at the same time in history!
Next week, we look forward to starting our new book in English and also making our torches in D.T. If you have any kitchen roll tubes, or tubes of a similar size, it would be great of you could bring them in on Monday. Also, just a quick reminder that next week will be our last swimming session (2.5.19).
Hope you're havng a great weekend!
Miss Delaney